ASV Mark II / ASE Radar
Dr Edward Bowen, leading the airborne radar group of the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Britain, started a project to improve on the ASV (for “air to surface vessel”) Mark I radar, which had been hastily […]
Dr Edward Bowen, leading the airborne radar group of the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Britain, started a project to improve on the ASV (for “air to surface vessel”) Mark I radar, which had been hastily […]
By March 1942 the Japanese had accomplished their pre-war goals of capturing the Netherlands East Indies and Malaya, together with the rich oil fields which they hoped would supply their economy. Burma was on the […]
In 1932 the RAF issued a specification for a new twin-engine day bomber, which was to have greater performance than any existing aircraft. Vickers-Armstrong, Handley Page and Armstrong Whitworth were invited to submit proposals, all […]
During the Pacific War, Japanese submarines carried out dozens of reconnaissance missions by flying off small seaplanes. These aircraft were stored within water-tight compartments in the vessel’s hull, before being assembled on deck and catapulted […]
In 1937 the Osaka Mercantile Steamship line ordered three fast ocean liners for its routes to Africa. The Imperial Japanese Navy, cognizant of the worsening political situation and in the expectation of future wars, insisted […]
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